Consider a group lasso problem:
\(min \frac{1}{2N} \|X\beta - y\|_2^2 + \lambda \Sigma_j w_j \|\beta_{(j)}\|_2\), A common choice for weights on groups \(w_j\) is \(\sqrt{p_j}\), where \(p_j\) is number of predictors that belong to the \(j\)th group, to adjust for the group sizes.
If we treat every feature as a single group, group lasso become regular lasso problem.
For group j, we know that
\[0 \in \frac{1}{t}(z_{(j)} - \beta_{(j)} + \lambda w_j \partial\|z_{(j)}\|_2\] \[0 = z_{(j)} - \beta_{(j)} + \lambda t w_j v_{(j)}\]If \(z_{(j)} \neq 0\) \(v_{(j)} = \frac{z_{(j)}}{\|z_{(j)}\|_2}\)
else, any \(\|v_{(j)}\|_2\) such that \(\|v_{(j)}\|_2 \leq 1\) belongs to the subdifferential \(\partial\|z_{(j)}\|_2\)
If \(z_{(j)} \neq 0\), \(0 = z_{(j)} - \beta_{(j)} + \lambda t w_j \frac{z_{(j)}}{\|z_{(j)}\|_2}\)
\(z_{(j)} = (I + diag(\lambda t \frac{w_j}{\|z_{(j)}\|_2}))^{-1} \beta_{(j)} = (1 + \lambda t \frac{w_j}{\|z_{(j)}\|_2})^{-1} \beta_{(j)}\), we can do this becase the element on the diagnoal matrix is all the same
Take norm on both sides, we can get
\[\|z_{(j)}\|_2 = \|\beta_{(j)}\|_2 - \lambda t w_j\]therefore,
\[z_{(j)} = (1 - \frac{\lambda t w_j}{\|\beta_{(j)}\|_2}) \beta_{(j)}\]If \(z_{(j)} = 0\), \(z_{(j)}=0\), at this time, \(\|v_{(j)}\|_2 \leq 1\), i.e, \(\|\beta_{(j)}\|_2 \leq \lambda t w_j\)
therefore, \(z_{j} = (1 - \frac{\lambda t w_j}{\|\beta_{(j)}\|_2})_{+} \beta_{(j)}\)
\[prox_{th}(\beta_{(j)}) = (1 - \frac{\lambda t w_j}{\|\beta_{(j)}\|_2})_{+} \beta_{(j)}\]So our update rule for group laso is:
\[\beta_{(j)}^k = prox_{t_kh}(\beta_{(j)}^{k-1} - t_k \nabla g(\beta_{(j)}^{k-1})) = prox_{t_kh}(\beta_{(j)}^{k-1} - \frac{t_k}{N} [(X^{(j)})^T (X\beta^{k-1} - y)])\]We can implement proximal gradient descent as follows, and even with acceleration:
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