Broyden's Method Derivation

Broyden’s Method

Newton’s method

We know that in numerical methods, newton’s method is very handy to use, and also fast to converge. Newton’s method can be stated as the following:

\[x_{n+1} = x_n - f'(x_n)^{-1} * f(x_n)\]

However, the inverse of \(f(x_n)\) can be hard to calculate, such operation will take \(O(n^3)\) time complexity. Therefore, Broyden’s method is introduced, to approxiate the inverse of the Jacobian matrix.

“Good” Broyden

Let’s say we want to approximate the inverse of Jacobian matrix, we can first use rank-1 update to approximate the Jacobian matrix, after that we can apply Sherman-Morrison to approximate the inverse of Jacobian. Broyden mentioned in his study that smaller rank matrix should be used to update the Jacobian matrix, but here I am not sure why the smaller rank is needed.

Rank 1 update

\(J_{k+1} = J_k + uv^T\)

Secant condition

Secnat condition actually comes from the finite difference estimation of derivative in 1-dimesnion.
\(J_{k+1}(x_{k+1} - x_k) = f(x_{k+1}) - f(x_k)\) Let \(x_{k+1} - x_k = d\) and \(f(x_{k+1}) - f(x_k) = g\)

Combining the equations above, we should have \(u = \frac{g - J_k d}{v^T d}\)

Therefore, the material we need to start the update is only \(v\). To find \(v\), we can solve a optimization problem as follows:
\(argmin ||uv^T||_F = ||\frac{hv^T}{v^Td}||_F\), where \(h = g - Jd\)

\[||\frac{hv^T}{v^Td}||_F = \sum_i\sum_j(\frac{h_iv_j}{\sum_k v_k d_k})^2\]

After taking derivatives of \(v_j\), we should have:

\(2 \sum_i \frac{h_iv_j}{\sum_k v_k d_k} \frac{h_i\sum_k v_k d_k - h_i v_j d_j}{(\sum_k v_k d_k)^2} + \sum_i \sum_{l \neq j} 2 \frac{-h_i^2 v_l^2 d_j}{(\sum_k v_k d_k)^2}\), to make it simpler, we have
\(2 (\frac{\sum h_i^2}{(\sum_k v_k d_k})^2) (v_j - \frac{\sum_k v_k^2 d_j}{\sum_k v_k d_k}) = 0\)

The equations satisfies when \(v = \alpha d\), we can just let \(\alpha = 1\), therefore, we can get the updating rules as follows:

\(J_{k+1} = J_k + \frac{\Delta f_{k+1} - J_k \Delta x_{k+1}}{||\Delta x_{k+1}||^2} \Delta x_{k+1} ^ T\)
Apply sherman-morrison on the it, we can get the update rule for inverse matrix of the Jacobian.

“Bad” Broyden

“Bad” Broyden’s idea is similar, given an slightly different secant condition,

\(B_{k+1}g = d\), where \(B\) is an approximation to the inverse of Jacobian, then by the same logic as good broyden, write update rule as \(B_{k+1} = B_k + pq^T\), and solve the optimization problem:

\[|p q^T|_F\]

we would have \(q = \alpha g\), which results in the final updating rule:
\(B_{k+1} = B_k + \frac{\Delta x_{k+1} - B_k \Delta f(x_{k+1})}{||\Delta f(x_{k+1})||^2} \Delta f(x_{k+1})^T\)

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