About Me
Quant Researcher
This is Tianshu's site, I currently work as a quant.
I spent:
3 Years being undergraduate in Shanghai University of Finance and Economics.
1 Year being an exchange student in University of California, Berkeley.
1.5 Year being a graudate student in North Carolina State University.
some time watching netflix.
some time taking photos.
some time checking cool nerdy stuff.
Mostly interested in Quantitative Finance area, including portfolio management, asset pricing, machine learning and alpha-discovery
You can find my resume here: resume
Build this to:
Record some ideas
Kill time
Play Hangman using BERT Wrap up for CMU Convex Optimization Course SVM as optimization problem with Python Group Lasso With Proximal Gradient Descent Proximal Operator Black Litterman bayesian view of BL Kernel Density Estimation KNN Feature reduction PCA and LDA KNN BFGS optimization BFGS and DFP C# API for Okex and Bitmex creating GUI is fun Broyden's Method Derivation Numerical methods AprQuant First Part Openning New Project Python统计list中重复次数Bonus 朝花夕拾? MATH 128A hw3 tired.. Hog project A cs61a projects Barra Risk Model Implementation First implementation of finance stats analysis Introduction To Time Series(2) ACF Function Python Weather Predictor GUI A little implementation of python GUI building machine learning system in python(2) knn